A Twin Cities start-up construction company is launching an effort to fill hundreds of vacant lots in north Minneapolis — remnants of the city's predatory lending and foreclosure crisis — with factory-built homes that will be made and sold for far less than the cost of an average new house today.
"This is what we've been trying to do for five years," said Cherie Shoquist, a project manager for the city's planning and economic development department, lauding the plan as a solution to a long-term problem.
Smart Homes, a private company that's associated with Fridley-based minority-owned Thor Construction Co., broke ground Thursday on a model house — a four-bedroom bungalow at 43rd and Irving Avs. N. that will have 1,800 square feet of living space and a garage. The company is ready to start construction on another 15 lots, and the company expects to continue to acquire sites as demand dictates.
The project is the brainchild of Ravi Norman, CEO of Thor, which recently announced plans to build a $30 million retail/office complex in the heart of north Minneapolis. Smart Homes is temporarily housed at Thor's Fridley headquarters and is owned by Norman and veteran Thor construction manager Gary Findell.
Although Thor will provide some support, the houses will be built in a factory in Detroit Lakes by Dynamic Homes and delivered to the site in sections.
Anderson Mitchell will be the project manager for Thor. He's a North Side resident who also was an independent contractor in north Minneapolis for 12 years and has built and refurbished housing for Habitat for Humanity and other developers.
"I came [to Thor] to do Smart Homes," Mitchell said. "We need homeowners. A lot of the crime comes out of single-family rental housing owned by slumlords. Their market is the lowest type of renter. I've lived through that with somebody next door as a North Side resident."
Findell said Smart Homes developed its model homes by working with urban-design architects and taking the layout to Dynamic Homes.