It can be hard to empathize with a spiny-tailed lizard. Unlike a cat or dog, it's difficult to read a reptile's emotions, so many people don't connect with them.
Kirsten Engeseth is different.
"I've always been an animal lover," Engeseth said. "I've been especially drawn to animals that people find creepy or gross."
In January, Engeseth started a rescue organization to help reptiles and invertebrates, the creatures she loves. Run out of her Eden Prairie home, Creepy Crawly Animal Rescue takes in the lizards and snakes people can't care for or don't want.
There are plenty of them. Some people buy reptiles without realizing they require light, heat and special diets, while other owners can't afford their care. Still others find pets aren't welcome when they move to a new apartment.
"People buy them when they're small and cute, not realizing they get bigger," she said.
But the Animal Humane Society doesn't take reptiles. It's up to a few groups like the Minnesota Herpetological Society to find homes for the orphans so people don't release them into the wild or neglect them.
"Housing here is set up for furry creatures," said Carrie Libera, spokeswoman for the Animal Humane Society. "It's not set up for scaly creatures, if you will."