Nolan West, a GOP legislative aide who is now a candidate for an open House seat, apologized Tuesday for his Facebook posts that lauded the Confederacy and castigated President Abraham Lincoln.
"I apologize for posting insensitive material," West said in an e-mail. "I've taken those posts down because they do not reflect who I am or what I believe."
On the day South Carolina removed the Confederate battle flag from its statehouse grounds in 2015, West reposted an advertisement for the flags on his Facebook page, continuing his history of publicly expressing admiration for the Confederacy and disdain for Lincoln.
West is currently on House GOP staff while running for the north Metro suburban seat vacated by retiring Rep. Tim Sanders, R-Blaine.
In 2011 West marked the day Confederate President Jefferson Davis resigned from the U.S. Senate, 150 years earlier. West also called Lincoln, a fellow Republican, "the single worst president this country has ever seen."
Lincoln is credited by historians with holding together the Union, defeating the Confederate insurrection and setting a path for the end of slavery.
This election season candidates have discovered the pitfalls of social media, where offhand jokes, remarks and asides can be used against them by their opponents if they provoke or offend.
DFL candidate Erin Anderson Koegel posted a few foul-mouthed and insulting Twitter posts about Republicans, which the GOP says echo Hillary Clinton's remarks last week characterizing Donald Trump's supporters as "deplorables." Koegel also tweeted #donttrustthepolice while watching the Netflix documentary series, "Making of a Murderer."