Erick Thomas lay in his bunk moaning in pain, too weak to make the night's final count at Stillwater prison.
Alerted by guards, two nurses gave him a 10-minute exam and concluded he was merely suffering from a muscle spasm near his neck. One wrote "Faker!" in her shift report before going home for the night.
By midnight, Thomas was writhing on the floor of his cell. The next morning, he was found paralyzed, drenched in urine and near death. After an ambulance rushed him to Regions Hospital in St. Paul, doctors discovered a blood clot pressing on nerves atop his spine. He underwent emergency surgery and a week later, at age 30, had to learn to walk all over again.
"I felt like they were trying to kill me," Thomas said. "No human being should be treated like that."
Thomas' ordeal last March is just one in a series of cases, outlined in court records and internal documents, in which Minnesota prison inmates in distress have been denied medical care -- with dangerous and sometimes deadly results.
Since 2000, at least nine prisoners have died after medical care was denied or delayed by corrections staff, a Star Tribune investigation has found, and another 21 have suffered serious or critical injury.
The state Department of Corrections and its staff have been held liable for nearly $1.8 million in wrongful death and negligence cases, court papers show. In addition, at least six nurses have been disciplined for countermanding doctors' orders, giving false statements or denying emergency care, and one surrendered her license to the state Board of Nursing after its investigators found she denied care to inmates in eight separate cases.
Just last month, a jury in Washington County awarded an inmate more than $1 million after finding negligence on the part of Dr. Stephen Craane, a contract physician at the prison in Oak Park Heights. The inmate, Stanley Riley, was suffering from what turned out to be cancer and had written a series of pleading notes to prison officials. One read: "I assure you that I am not a malingerer. I only want to be healthy again."