Imagine U2's Bono without a voice. Not only is he one of rock's most passionate singers, he's also one of the most impassioned conversationalists in all of popular music. But there he was, onstage in Sarajevo, the Irish man who adopted the stage moniker Bono Vox -- for good voice -- and he couldn't sing.
"I had a chest infection," Bono recalled of the Sept. 23 concert he'd pledged to perform during a post-Bosnian War visit. "We were trying to play that show for four years and when I got there I had no voice. But because of that, it seemed like the city had a stronger voice. Even though it wasn't their language, their native tongue, they sang all the words of the songs. They really took the concert away from us. It was the only concert on the tour where no one mentioned the production, no one mentioned the giant lemon."
Ah, yes, the giant lemon. Some critics -- and even fans -- have called it a metaphor for U2's mammoth Pop Mart tour, with its oversized video screen and other accoutrements, including a Golden Arch that owes as much to St. Louis as it does to McDonalds. Few of the U.S. concerts sold out.
"I think we were sucker-punched at the start of this tour," Bono said of the reaction to Pop Mart, which opened in Las Vegas in April. "I think we did it to ourselves. We thought because there was so much discussion about the biggest tour, the biggest lemon, the biggest this, the biggest that, way in advance of the tour, we thought we'd have some fun with that. Maybe we shouldn't have. The reason people come to see us in the end is to hear our songs.
"Rock 'n' roll concerts, there's much more subtle things going on than the obvious. People are screaming more for themselves than they are for us because their lives are bound up in the songs. Songs have a way of getting under your skin in a way that movies don't. It certainly affects me that way. We've always had a strong and deep-rooted connection with our people. So strong and deep-rooted that we feel we can be very flip on the surface. And maybe this time around people got confused by that."
Bono was speaking from Greece, just four days after the Sarajevo show. He got his voice back thanks to a doctor in Crete. He had only one more concert -- Tel Aviv, Israel -- on the European segment of the tour and then it was back to Ireland for two weeks with his children before returning to North America and a concert Wednesday at the Metrodome in Minneapolis.
In Europe, the tour turned around for U2, arguably rock's biggest band of the past 15 years.
"Europe has really gone for it in a very big way," said a sunny Bono during a wide-ranging 45-minute conversation ("It's hard for me to be concise on any subject," he said). "We've played certainly the most extraordinary shows in my life. Last week we played to 150,000 people in Italy. I think it's the biggest draw for any paying gig for one act -- not a festival or free concert. That was just extraordinary. Even things like Wembley Stadium -- the London audience can be very cruel. They just lost it, and so did we. We had a bumpy start with the first month on Pop Mart. Right now, I can say it's the greatest show on earth. It may not be in a few months, and it may not have been a few months ago."