Five-hole: a noun.
"The space between the legs of a goaltender," Merriam-Webster defines the hockey jargon in its latest addition to the English language dictionary.
Please use it in a sentence.
"A blast through the five-hole of Montreal's Jeff Hackett gave the Panthers a 1–0 lead 13:33 into the game," the definition states.
May I get the country of origin?
Unknown, but the first known use of the word was in 1980 and the concept likely originated with from former NHL goalie Jacques Plante.
Five-hole is one of more than 1,000 new words added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary this this week along with airball, humblebrag, binge-watch, photobomb, FLOTUS, EpiPen and phytoremediation.
Hockey fans are very familiar with the five-hole, but the lingo has not been widely and officially recognized until now.