Bradley Harrington Jr., the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe commissioner of Natural Resources and Environment, said state and tribal fisheries managers dealing with historically low walleye numbers on Lake Mille Lacs sense a buildup of community pressure to liberalize fishing regulations. But science-based conservation of the species comes first, he said.
While many longtime anglers and people who make money from walleye fishing say the lake's walleye population has recovered, Harrington cites evidence to the contrary. He also said anti-Indian racial tension in the area has increased.
By law, Harrington's agency shares management of the fishery with seven other Ojibwe, or Chippewa, bands and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Under jointly set harvest limits, it's been illegal for two consecutive summers for state-licensed anglers to keep any Mille Lacs walleyes. Also this summer there was a period when catch-and-release fishing for walleyes was banned.
Harrington recently responded to questions from the Star Tribune. The exchange, edited for length, follows.
Q In what ways are social pressures for greater walleye harvest on Mille Lacs affecting management of the fishery?
A Every group affected by the declining ogaa [walleye] population has a different perspective on what's causing it and what to do about it. Scientific data must be our common ground. We should be able to agree on the science while still holding our values true. The bands take into account the state anglers' privilege to harvest walleye from the lake. We have agreed to a 70/30 split for anglers to ease the conservation burden rather than insisting on a 50/50 split that exists in other co-managed fisheries. We expect and deserve to have state anglers respect our constitutionally protected right to harvest as well. The treaty rights to harvest on Mille Lacs and in other ceded territories is protected by the U.S. Constitution.
When it comes to natural resources, the financial element should not be considered when the resource is struggling. Conservation should be first and foremost. Decisions about management should happen and then other steps taken to address the consequences. The fact is, that is what has happened. The state has allocated millions of dollars to help the resorts and businesses losing revenue due to the low ogaa population. Resorts are market driven and sometimes the market is good and sometimes not. Preparing for tough times in a nature-focused industry should have been considered because that is good business. The well-being of the ogaa should not be driven by the market, but management decisions based on good science.
Q Some Mille Lacs area residents and business owners, including members of a state-appointed citizen advisory committee, want the DNR to be "tougher'' with bands during walleye harvest negotiations. Do you see any change in the DNR's posture during technical committee work that reflects this attitude? Is the DNR getting tougher?