SCANDINAVIA, Wis. -- The massive freighter left a port on the coast of Turkey in April, bound for the United States with a cargo of grain for farmers to feed to organic livestock.
From a desk at his farm in rural Wisconsin, John Bobbe was suspicious.
He wasn't convinced that the cargo of the M.V. Andalucia, en route from the Black Sea to North Carolina, was legitimate. The ship's itinerary, the owner of the grain, and the fact that the European Union had stopped recognizing the grain's likely organic certifier stoked his doubts. He fired an e-mail to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as he has done often over the past four years trying to turn back a rising tide of counterfeit imported organic grain.
"This thing gets more bizarre as you go along," Bobbe said. "The problem is that consumers are being potentially defrauded, and the price for farmers is going down."
Sales of organic food have more than doubled in the United States in the past 10 years, to $48 billion a year, but U.S. acreage devoted to organic grain has not kept up. Less than 1% of row crops in the country are certified organic, so U.S. organic grain farmers can't produce enough feed for the animals that supply organic eggs, milk and meat.
Into this void have stepped a small number of importers, the largest based in the Black Sea region and Middle East, and fake organic grain has become a major problem.
Consumers pay more for organic foods but may be buying products that were tainted in their growing and feeding. U.S. farmers get less for genuine organic grain when fake imports flood the market. Grain brokers, livestock farms and grocery chains are all at risk.
Even so, the premium prices and profits brought by organic products give the industry reason to downplay or ignore the problem.