Bob Carlson, founder of five-year-old Our Vision Recycling, is a scrappy business guy driven as much by vision as profit.
Carlson also is the only CEO I know who works an additional 40 hours five nights a week as a personal care attendant for a 97-year-old.
"I sleep from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.," said Carlson, who added that his night job pays him a lot more than the $100-a-week draw he takes running his several-employee, Roseville-based Our Vision.
"In 10 years, I want to be the name in electronics recycling," Carlson said. "We're up to about $1 million we've saved customers. And we will always pick up equipment for free."
Carlson, 56, is an upbeat, working-class guy who grew up and still lives in an apartment in northeast Minneapolis.
He describes himself as a mechanically inclined salesman who also has peddled cars and computers, and says he spent a decade seeing the world free from a couple of Navy warships after graduating from Edison High School.
He's also an odds-beater.
In addition to surviving in the tough refurbish-and-recycle electronics business during the 2014-16 downturn in gold, steel and other commodities that claimed some competitors, Carlson survived cancer that floored him for several months in 2015.