Elisa McCann has never known a day without pain.
Minnesota's medical marijuana program has yet to turn a profit.
Whether the two can help each other will be at the heart of Minnesota's next great marijuana debate.
Just months after the first Minnesota cannabis clinic opened its doors, Health Commissioner Ed Ehlinger is debating whether to add intractable pain to the shortlist of conditions that qualify Minnesotans to legally medicate with marijuana. Pain patients like 2-year-old Elisa — born with a rare genetic condition that causes her skin to blister and tear — make up the majority of patients in many of the states with medical cannabis programs.
It's a move some, particularly in law enforcement and the medical community, worry could leave the young program vulnerable to abuse.
For months, the health department has canvassed the state, holding public hearings and soliciting testimony from people desperate to see the medical marijuana program expanded, and from those who prefer to keep the program small and restricted to specific diseases like cancer or muscular dystrophy.
Elisa's parents and doctor hope cannabis oil could offer her relief from the sort of everyday agony that narcotics can't touch.
Children with Elisa's condition, epidermolysis bullosa, are born with skin as fragile as butterfly wings. The slightest friction can blister and tear the skin, leaving Elisa covered with raw sores, inside and out.