An Army report on his suicide concluded that the lack of communication between Fort Campbell officials and Fairbanks' commanders in Iraq was "cause for considerable reflection and concern."
Military commanders routinely face discipline for other failures, but there is no evidence that any officer has ever been held accountable for a military suicide, even when warning signs were apparent. Instead, internal investigations commonly conclude that while the Army as a whole needs to do better, no individual bears blame.
Meanwhile, grieving families seeking more information about a soldier's suicide are routinely given military incident reports pockmarked by blacked-out names and details. Left to play amateur detective, they sometimes arrive at their own, more hopeful conclusions -- it must have been an accident, a stray bullet, something other than suicide.
"I feel like nobody cared enough to find out what happened to him," said Jacob Fairbanks' mother, Jan, who has pored over three volumes of reports provided to her. "I've been asking questions and doing my own investigating. Why can't I see what the military sees? I want to believe that they know best, they did a good job of investigating. I want to know that I put them in charge of my son and they took care of him. And I don't see that."
Military records also show that the suicides in its ranks often defy the stereotype of battle-haunted soldiers unable to shake images of bloodshed from their minds.
One-third of the suicides at Fort Campbell involved soldiers who, like Jeremy Campbell, had never served overseas, much less in a war zone. Soldiers with one or no deployments represent 70 percent of all military suicides, with 60 percent occurring during a soldier's first enlistment.