From his bench on the second floor of Hennepin County's juvenile courthouse, Judge Luis Bartolomei will determine the future of five American Indian families.
Among them: A father accused of beating his 8-year-old daughter. A mother who gave birth to a methadone-addicted baby. A mother who at one point shot up heroin eight times a day.
"Oh my God," Bartolomei says in his chambers as he reads the county's report about the heroin case. "Oh my God."
In each of the five cases, Bartolomei will have to decide whether the best way to protect the children is to take them away from their parents.
For American Indian families, that's more likely to happen in Minnesota than anywhere else in the country.
Minnesota has more American Indian children in foster care than any other state, including those with significantly larger Indian populations, according to a Star Tribune analysis of federal and state data. Less than 2 percent of children in Minnesota are Indian, but they make up nearly a quarter of the state's foster care population — a disparity that is more than double the next highest state.
Indian children in Minnesota are five times more likely to be reported as victims of abuse than white children, and 10 times more likely to end up in foster care.
The rate of Minnesota's Indian children placed in foster care is higher now than it was in 1978, the year Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) that requires judges and social workers to preserve Indian families whenever possible.