In a sweeping reversal of current practice, Minnesota child protection workers can now review previous child abuse reports when considering how to respond to a new one.
Minnesota was likely the only state in the country that barred intake workers from reviewing past cases. That changed Tuesday, when Gov. Mark Dayton signed the first significant child protection reform into law. The law, which also establishes a child's safety as the goal of child protection, takes effect Wednesday.
"The practice was to require workers to look the other way when there was a pattern of abuse," said Rich Gehrman, director of Safe Passage for Children, a child protection watchdog group.
"Now, they're required to take that into account."
Minnesota's history of prohibiting the review of child protection history began in 2012, when a legislative auditor report criticized counties for their inconsistent methods for handling child abuse reports, and advised the Department of Human Services (DHS) to put a consistent policy in place. The department responded by telling counties in September of that year they could not use any prior child protection history when getting a new report about a child.
That same year, counties rejected 71 percent of maltreatment reports, among the highest rates in the country.
Last year, at the urging of DHS, the Legislature passed a bill forbidding counties from using any rejected reports, also called screen-outs. Erin Sullivan Sutton, then assistant commissioner of child and family services for DHS, said the law codified what had already been common practice.
But the Star Tribune reported last year that children could be the subject of multiple reports of abuse and neglect without getting a response from child protection. Lawmakers distanced themselves from the screen-out law, saying that they did not know what they were voting for. In November, Sullivan Sutton was reassigned to another position and her replacement, Jim Koppel, reversed course.