Each morning, Kunlek Wangmo and her husband, Lobsang Jorkhang, walked St. Paul's W. 7th Street neighborhood near downtown, their home since the late 1990s.
Their daily routine came to a tragic end Thursday morning, when about a mile from their apartment a car struck and killed Wangmo, 63, at the intersection of W. 7th and St. Clair Avenue.
"My wife! My wife!" Jorkhang cried, according to a witness.
Wangmo and Jorkhang were walking southwest on W. 7th when she was struck about 6:45 a.m. by a car traveling west on St. Clair, police said.
Jorkhang had just crossed St. Clair when he heard a thud, turned around and saw his wife lying on the pavement behind him, said St. Paul police spokesman Steve Linders.
It's unclear where Wangmo was standing when she was struck, but her body was in the crosswalk when authorities arrived, Linders said. She died at the scene.
The driver of the car, a 29-year-old woman, stopped at the scene and was cooperating with authorities. Linders said that drugs and alcohol don't appear to be factors in the collision, and no arrests were made.
Few answers were available Thursday as police investigated what led to the collision.