A Plymouth man faked his own kidnapping and ransom as a ploy to take a break from the house, police said on Friday.
"He wanted a few days away from his wife, and this was his alibi," said Plymouth police Sgt. Keith Bird.
The woman reported that her 34-year-old husband had gone missing on Aug. 28. A Plymouth police detective went to her home two days later, where she showed him a text she received from her husband's cellphone saying he had been kidnapped, according to court records.
"You probably was familiar with him owing me some money," the text read, according to a search warrant filed in Hennepin County District Court.
The kidnapper demanded $140 for his return, which she agreed to pay, Bird said.
But the kidnapper recanted, saying he'd wait until the man got his paycheck.
"Nothing added up," Bird said. "You know when something's not right."
Bird said they eventually tracked down the husband, who said he was kidnapped, but asked them to stop investigating the case.