Minneapolis City Council members are considering whether to ask police to temporarily halt certain traffic stops in response to activists' concerns that they overwhelmingly target minorities, with little to show for it.
But police leaders, who say such enforcement is integral to removing drugs and guns from the streets, pushed back at the idea on Wednesday, arguing against a decision until more research was done.
Council Member Steve Fletcher said that he saw a proposed moratorium on stops for equipment violations, like a broken taillight or headlight, as a way to ease the racial disparities in rates of traffic stops, but that "we're not ready to do that today — we need to do a deeper dive."
"If my math is right, we did 40,000 stops to get 92 guns," Fletcher said, referencing 2018 police statistics released at a meeting of the council's public safety committee. "If we do 400 traffic stops, we have one gun and we have 399 people who trust the police a little less."
It's unclear how the proposed changes would play out. No timeline has been set for a decision.
The proposal came out of a community forum last month on bias in policing, when speaker after speaker, including a retired Washington, D.C., cop, aired their frustrations with what they saw as years of harassment and discrimination at the hands of police. The testimonials spilled into Wednesday's meeting.
Elizer Darris, a field director with the state's ACLU chapter, said that he had grown increasingly frustrated after being pulled over eight times in two years.
"I understand how to conduct myself during all of these stops: I turn off my lights, I put my hands on the steering wheel, and I answer all of their questions, 'Yes, sir, no, sir,' " he said. "And I found myself on my last stop losing my composure a little bit."