More than 100 people attended a public hearing Thursday intended to take the community's pulse on a proposed streetcar project along St. Paul's Riverview Corridor.
Residents and business people who live and work along the line expressed both support and dismay regarding the 11.7-mile line.
"This is a good transit corridor; it's growing," said Mike Rogers, transit project manager for the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority.
Last month, an advisory group of elected officials and community members recommended that a "modern streetcar" run along W. 7th Street from Union Depot to the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Passenger service would begin in 2027.
Such a streetcar, now operating in Kansas City, Detroit and Portland, Ore., runs on fixed track, and would sometimes operate in traffic. It shares some attributes of light rail, including street-level boarding, payment before boarding, and service every 10 minutes during peak travel times.
Riverview would be the first streetcar of its kind in Minnesota, and it's an option that was chosen over five others, including light rail, improved bus service and not building anything at all.
Some community members said the streetcar would be an important link in the region's transportation network, connecting people with jobs. The authority estimates that it would provide transit access to nearly 124,000 jobs.
"I'm multimodal," said Mark Olivares, who lives along the corridor. "I don't like the fact that the [Route] 54 bus is packed all the way to the Mall of America." He noted a streetcar is an important service for working-class people living along the line. "I don't want anyone to be left out."