Ramsey County has agreed to improve sexual harassment training and institute policies that better protect underage employees, after a teenage lifeguard was raped by an adult supervisor while on the job.
Following an investigation by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, the county will pay the victim $72,500 in a formal settlement of the 2013 assault case. Minnesota Human Rights Commissioner Rebecca Lucero, standing with Ramsey County Commissioner Trista MatasCastillo, announced the settlement Thursday.
The 16-year-old lifeguard reported the assault to two supervisors soon after the attack, but it wasn't until the teen reported the assault to a third manager in 2014 — insisting that the sex was nonconsensual — that county officials finally responded.
Lucero said her office also is filing suit against West Lutheran High School in Plymouth for failing to protect a female student as male students sexually harassed and assaulted her. School administrators retaliated against the girl and asked her to leave the school, Lucero said.
West Lutheran, according to its website, is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and moved to its 6-acre campus in Plymouth in 1996. School officials did not return a call Thursday for comment.
While the two cases are separate, Lucero said both represent violations of the state Human Rights Act involving underage victims.
"They are part of a pattern and practice of pervasive sexual assault and harassment in our culture," Lucero said. "They both involved individuals in positions of authority who failed to act."
MatasCastillo said that the county's initial inaction in the 2013 assault case was "unacceptable."