Readers Write (April 14): Newtown, U of M, same-sex marriage, Fairview merger talks

April 13, 2013 at 10:03PM
Illustration: Mailbox.
Illustration: Mailbox. (Susan Hogan — Tribune Media Services/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

For children's sake, society must change

Thank you for the moving editorial regarding gun control ("We said it would be different this time," April 7). This page should be pasted to the desks of our voting representatives in St. Paul and Washington. They need to be reminded of our loss. Promises, threats or money from lobbyists will never replace these lives or those that may be lost in the future.

JANE HELLAND, Bloomington

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I was moved by your photographic tribute to the Newtown victims. Thank you for making at least one reader remember and recommit to a national, full-fledged gun-control bill banning automatic weapons and magazines larger than 10 bullets.


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You should be ashamed of yourselves for using Newtown's victims as props for an antigun message. Many of these tragedies are perpetrated by deranged people who should have been incarcerated. Until something is done about dangerous people, rather than "dangerous" weapons, we are likely to see more of this needless human carnage. If our government continues to ignore this problem, the only way to protect students will be to increase police or security guards at our schools.


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If not Newtown, what will make it different?

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A former governor's criticisms draw support

Former Gov. Arne Carlson's critique of the University of Minnesota's "bloat" is correct ("A skewed U," April 7). I obtained a degree from the U in 1973, when paying for education by working was easy. These days, the salaries those in this bloated administrative fiefdom pay themselves seem criminal — a direct theft from Minnesota students who fall into horrible debt to pay tuition. In addition to obscene salaries, lavish pensions are awarded to administrators — "richer than the average" university employee. It's high time to vote out the politicians who allowed this travesty to happen.


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The U ranks 68th on U.S. News & World Report's list of best national universities. It ranks seventh in its relevant peer group — the original Big Ten — and the president's salary is third-highest in this group. Given the Byzantine nature of administrative compensation, and the fact that no one seriously considers a correlation between pay and the quality of work for this class of employees, the data suggest a starting place for discussion. Let's ask some students or debt-laden graduates for their thoughts.


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I'm a graduate of the U who cannot thank Carlson enough for being so objective and honest. He is, without a doubt, on the mark.

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The state's debate seems never-ending

As I read comments from around the state on the debate over gay marriage, it appears that we need to revisit all state laws pertaining to marriage ("Nowhere to hide in marriage fight," April 7). Opponents consistently say that marriage is for children with a mother and a father. Following that line of thinking, let's be consistent in our marriage laws: no marriage for women beyond child bearing age or for men who are impotent; no divorce if a couple has children, and having a child outside of marriage becomes a punishable crime.


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As Voltaire said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." In the context of gay marriage, "I do not agree with the principle of gay marriage, but I will defend your right to marry." This is the core of American liberty. A vote for marriage equality is not necessarily an approval of gay unions. It is an affirmation of the American founding principle of liberty for all.

LISA A. WASSERMAN, Minneapolis
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Why are lawmakers being standoffish?

Perhaps the Mayo Clinic should propose a multimillion-dollar sports complex on its site. Officials might have better luck getting money out of the Legislature ("Mayo Clinic CEO to Minn.: 49 states want us," April 10).

DENISE ENG, Sartell, Minn.

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As a Minnesota business owner, I'm embarrassed by the treatment given Sanford Health and Mayo ("Sanford, U won't pursue Fairview," April 11). What really was the purpose of state Attorney General Lori Swanson's rushed, weird, media-drenched hearings that ended up running a good company out of town, not to mention a supportive alumnus of the University of Minnesota? On top of that, our Legislature responds to an honest comment by the Mayo CEO like an act of war ("Blowback at the Capitol sends Mayo back to drawing board," April 10). Is Minnesota open for business, growth and prosperity? It makes me wonder. I bet businesses are wondering, too.

PADY REGNIER, Greenwood, Minn.

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Considering Mayo's contributions to Minnesota employment, the economy, health and medical training, I support its request for infrastructure improvements. Gov. Mark Dayton and lawmakers need to take care of this issue promptly. It's easier and cheaper to keep large employers and good Minnesota citizens than to have to entice new ones to come to our state.

JON SANFORD, Mora, Minn.

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