A letter writer from July 18 wrote: "The truly significant division of our society is between the employed and the employers" ("Don't let fake categories divide us"). In one sense, I do agree with him. Wealth distribution is at its greatest divide ever in the U.S. today. According to the Brookings Institute, in 2016, the top 1% held over 29% of our collective wealth, while the middle class held just 21%. As this wealth gap continues to expand, the lowest 80% will find themselves sliding very much backward, economically.
However, the writer's solution cannot be more wrong. He is calling for a massive change in our laws to create "a democratically owned and managed economy." Really? In using the term "democratically owned," he tries to obfuscate the fact he is proposing we move away from a free-market, capitalistic economy to government-owned economy. This has been tried in several notable countries such as Russia and China, finding only spectacular failure. This is the communistic economic system without the political baggage.
Free-market capitalism does work quite well, when there are level playing fields and laws enforced to prevent purely predatory actions. (We have those laws, but they are generally not enforced well and are in some cases being repealed.) When running properly, the free-market system rewards those who start and run businesses successfully and provide livable and growing wages for employees, as well as opportunities for them to start businesses of their own. The incentive for innovation and creative ideas is based on the ability to generate a reasonable profit. Those who invest their time and financial resources are taking a huge risk. Their personal income and often their entire personal wealth are on the line. But such businesses provide valuable products and services to our society and create jobs for our population. This, not Wall Street, is the engine that drives U.S. prosperity. Yes, we need to put enforceable regulation in place to prevent misdeeds, but communism is not a fix or answer.
Richard Rivett, Chaska
Why call for compromise when it has failed so often in the past?
In David Brooks' article on "the Squad" vs. Pelosi ("Pelosi, 'the Squad' and liberalism forsaken," Opinion Exchange, July 17), Brooks defines liberalism as incremental change respecting the views of one's opponent where "compromise is a virtue, not a sign of cowardice." Members of the Squad, according to Brooks, "argue that only a complete revolution will uproot injustice." They "don't want to work within the system. They want to blow it up."
Such overwrought condemnation of the progressive movement reveals Brooks' underlying conservative political persuasion, although he professes in his article that his rhetoric transcends politics. More important, Brooks' preference for mainstream caution and compromise rather than progressive action fails to account for the great failure of mainstream liberal leaders to even directly confront, let alone actually change, the glaring crises of our times: the enormous income inequalities resulting in an ever-richer upper class at the expense of the rest of us, the suffering of the millions of sick people shuffled to the bottom of our health care system, overwhelming student debt, and grotesque military spending that has led to the suffering and death of countless innocents impaled on the swords of our reckless, never-ending foreign wars.
Younger, thoughtful people on the progressive left are weary of compromise, whether respectful or not, and have the courage to take radical positions full-on, as the Squad did when it eschewed traditional liberalism to clearly and forcefully condemn Trump's racist statements and call for his impeachment. Mr. Brooks, you are on the wrong side of history.
Dean DeHarpporte, Eden Prairie
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I don't understand how people can support President Donald Trump saying U.S. Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaid can go back to the country they came from if they don't like it here.
First of all, these women are all American citizens and enjoy the same free-speech rights that Trump does. Also, if no one ever complained about America and some of its policies we wouldn't have had the civil rights movement, child labor laws or Social Security.