According to local news, state Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka has said that the hands-free bill will pass this session, attributing the success of this legislation (pertaining to mobile-device use while driving) to a combination of emotion and facts. "Emotion is part of what drives things over here and then what are the facts around it," Gazelka said. "When the two meet, that's when you get something done and then coming down you feel the heartaches it underlines that's important and make sure it happens."
As happy as I will be to see the hands-free bill pass, I wonder how Sen. Gazelka can say this while continuing to make hearings for gun safety bills so difficult to get. How many people have come to the State Capitol to tell their stories about the effect gun violence has had on their lives? How many more facts can we offer? Those of us who meet with legislators and law enforcement, go to town halls, study research, write letters and make calls, providing both personal stories and solid facts, are left to wonder where Gazelka draws the line. Does our skyrocketing suicide rate or the increase in school, workplace and public shootings not give him heartache? We need background checks on all gun purchases. We need a "red flag" law to give law enforcement the ability to petition a judge to temporarily remove guns from someone in crisis. We need our legislators to hear our stories and look at the facts. We shouldn't have to wait another year for their compassion to kick in.
Jo Haugen, Eagan
Opinion editor's note: While Gazelka said earlier that he would "do everything in my power" to block new gun-control measures this session, he said late last month that he will hold hearings on any gun legislation that passes the House ("Key state lawmaker open to gun control bills," front page, March 28).
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Red-flag laws save lives. I know because my life was saved by a red-flag order.
My father was a good man who struggled with untreated bipolar disorder, which caused frequent and sometimes suicidal depression. Fortunately, we lived in Indiana, a red-flag state. This meant my family could have my father's guns confiscated when he was dangerous. I was in the room with him at his lowest, when he had guns. I'm alive because we could have the guns removed. Without them, he, too, survived these periods, sought treatment, and became a doting and beloved grandparent.
Families like mine need the Minnesota Senate to pass the House's red flag laws. These laws don't impede the rights of responsible gun owners. They protect innocent people from gun owners who are a danger to themselves and others.
But this isn't enough. Only three of the seven states where I've lived protect their citizens with red-flag laws. We need national red-flag laws to protect every family in this country. That's why I support the presidential campaign of former U.S. Rep. John Delaney of Maryland (and why my daughter, who works on his campaign, supports him, too). Delaney supports common-sense gun safety: red-flag orders, universal background checks, bans on bump stocks and semi-automatic weapons, and federal funding for gun-violence research. I urge gun-sense voters to measure their candidates' stances and bipartisanship against Delaney's impressive record. We need a pragmatic leader on this issue in the White House, and I suggest him.
Kathleen Myers, Vadnais Heights
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I understand the distracted-driving bill is now in conference committee. I have been told the Senate version allows for GPS use. How can anybody be so dense to consider this provision? You have to get the phone out of everybody's hands. Also, make certain the fine and/or point system jeopardizes the offender's right to drive in the future. Legislators, this is a serious issue. Use some common sense!