Recently, an organization that opposes safe and legal abortion used secretly recorded, heavily edited videos to make outrageous claims about Planned Parenthood's practices. Lawmakers so quick to condemn ("… practices in Minnesota ought to be investigated," Readers Write, July 17) should check their facts. Let me clear some important things up.
Planned Parenthood in our region — a separately incorporated Planned Parenthood organization — does not have a fetal tissue donation program. In fact, when women ask our physicians if it is possible to donate tissue for research, we have no way of accommodating them.
However, several Planned Parenthood organizations around the country do have these programs in place so patients can opt to donate fetal tissue for medical research. Such research is a crucial aspect of scientific inquiry and is important to improving health care. Stem-cell research and other tissue research have led to major scientific and medical breakthroughs such as advances in treatment for Parkinson's and the invention of the polio vaccine.
These donation programs are regulated and legal — and they exist in many hospitals and clinics not associated with Planned Parenthood. While the staff member's tone and statements in the video do not reflect the compassionate care we provide, she made it clear that Planned Parenthood has very high standards and follows all laws.
The well-funded anti-abortion group that released these tapes worked for years to secretly record videos and edit them in completely misleading ways, all with one goal — to ban abortion completely and malign Planned Parenthood. Even a cursory look at the people behind this attack exposes them for the disreputable group they are. David Daledian, the group's leader, is a former employee of Live Action — a discredited anti-abortion organization that came under fire for deceptively editing undercover footage of abortion clinics in order to make false claims about Planned Parenthood. Troy Newman, Daledian's board member and adviser, is best known for his belief that murdering abortion doctors is justifiable homicide and for his habit of stalking clinic workers in Wichita, Kan.
While Planned Parenthood in our state does not have a tissue donation program, we stand behind our colleagues around the country who help women and families donate tissue for medical research when they wish to.
This is nothing more than a political attack from the same groups, backed by the same politicians, who have been trying to ban abortion and bring to an end Planned Parenthood for years. The lawmakers in Minnesota who are perpetuating these false claims should remember what the people elected them to do and get back to work.
Sarah Stoesz, president and CEO, Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota
Really? These two contentions somehow can meld together?
I read the story on racial equity in cycling (July 17). Then I read it again. Later I read it again. I am amazed. Is the National Brotherhood of Cyclists claiming that riding a bike is another form of "white privilege"? Really — bike riding? A national conference being held in the Twin Cities continued Thursday with sessions featuring black women's cycling, racial dynamics in bike advocacy and a session on gentrification titled "Are Bike Lanes White Lanes?"