Recently, it was the privilege of the VocalEssence Ensemble Singers to be invited to Mexico City as guests of the Symphonic Orchestra of Minería and the National University of Mexico funded by Fomento Educacional. The 30 professional Minnesota singers joined forces with 30 professional Mexican singers for a week of musical collaboration — and it was pure magic! With all the turmoil in the air about relations between the U.S. and Mexico, it was a thrill to experience total goodwill and joy as the singers espoused the VocalEssence motto: Together We Sing!
I have had the pleasure of visiting Mexico City each year for the past 10 years interviewing Mexican composers and inviting them to come to Minnesota and compose music for students in elementary, high school and college choirs as part of the VocalEssence ¡Cantaré! program — so far 18 Mexican composers have participated in the program! As part of our week, the Ensemble Singers presented a concert of music from the U.S. to an enthusiastic audience of 600, ending with dozens of flowers being showered on the stage and a demand for encores.
As VocalEssence begins its 50th anniversary season, I cannot think of a better way to express the warmth of Minnesotans than visiting our neighbors to the south. We felt like musical ambassadors of our state and country as we shared our voices and felt the extraordinary kindness and generosity of the Mexican people. It was a life-changing experience for all of us and we look forward to welcoming these wonderful singers and the amazing Symphonic Orchestra of Minería to Minnesota to experience our warmth in return. It was truly M&M: Mexico and Minnesota!
Philip Brunelle, artistic director and founder, VocalEssence
'Do kids with disabilities feel welcome?' At these places, yes.
The Sept. 8 article "Do children with disabilities feel welcome in church?" highlighted how many churches are failing to meet the needs of families who have children with conditions such as autism and attention deficit disorder.
I'd like to invite the paper to visit us at Grace Church in Eden Prairie to learn more about our Barnabus ministry:
From Sunday school classes, parent groups, respite nights, prayer team support and several other activities, this volunteer lead team strives to make this program available to all.
Craig McLain, Eden Prairie
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I read the Sept. 8 article and could hardly contain myself! If only the reporter had known about "Parables"! "Parables" is — among other things — a Sunday-morning service at Wayzata Community Church specifically designed for kids with special needs and special gifts. It is a service not only for them, but with them, since they often help lead it.