She didn't have a name when they found her on the streets of Moscow, but she became known as Laika, which means "barker." On Nov. 3, 1957, this mild-tempered mutt entered the history books and the hearts of millions, when she blasted off from a Russian rocket base and orbited the Earth — the first living being to accomplish this feat.
At the time, the Soviet space program was the envy of the rest of the world. Just a month earlier, it had launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, and Americans were a bit unnerved by the thought of a Russian-built sphere racing overhead, bleeping in triumph.
When the Soviets announced the bigger-and-better Sputnik II a month later, they lapped NASA again, especially since this one would carry a passenger.
Sergei Korolov, head of the Soviet rocket program, had designed a space capsule for a dog, complete with air conditioning. It had a feeding apparatus to provide in-flight liquefied kibble, and employed a hindquarters vacuum to whisk away the waste. This would be Laika's capsule — and her coffin.
The program could launch her up, but it didn't know how to get her down.
Laika was not the first dog in space. The Russians ran a large program of canine cosmonauts, starting with Dezik and Lisa in 1951. Bobik was supposed to go up for a suborbital flight the same year, but he ran away a few days before liftoff. He was swapped out with a dog named Zib, but before you think that's a great name for your next dog, it's the initials of the Russian words "Substitute for Missing Bobik."
In 1960, Belka and Strelka were the first dogs to go into orbit and survive. Their instant celebrity status got the full state-sanctioned hero treatment, with children's books, cigarette tins, clocks, dishes and all sorts of trinkets bearing their happy likenesses. Strelka had puppies after her return, and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev gave one to JFK.
The last dogs to go up were Veterok, which meant "Light Breeze," and Ugolyok, "Coal," in 1966. They circled the Earth for 22 days.