Hate crimes in this country are continuing to increase at an alarming rate. According to the FBI's annual report released this month, the number of incidents increased about 17 percent compared with last year. That is the largest increase in these types of cowardly acts since 2001. The culture of intolerance spread by President Donald Trump has clearly emboldened racist individuals to acts of violence.
One statistic from the report stands out: Attacks against Jewish people accounted for an astonishing 58.1 percent of anti-religious bias crimes, a drastic 37 percent jump. In fact, anti-Jewish crimes have composed the majority of religion-based acts ever since the FBI began publishing national figures.
But even without formal statistics laid out before us, we know that our world can be dangerous and divisive. That fact was painfully illustrated just last month when a far-right shooter opened fire inside a Pittsburgh synagogue, murdering 11 Jewish worshipers.
Acts of hate like that have no place in America. We cannot allow those who seek to divide us to intimidate or demoralize our society. I believe that, as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. I know that with action and effort, love will prevail and hate will be defeated.
I know this because people of all faiths and none, came together after Pittsburgh to loudly denounce that hate-filled massacre. Muslim American organizations, for example, raised more than $200,000 to support the victims and their families from the Tree of Life Synagogue.
I know this because, just a few days after the shooting, I found strength and hope when I attended an interfaith vigil at Mount Zion Temple in St. Paul with more than 1,000 other Minnesotans.
I know this because I remember how, less than two years ago, Jewish Americans stood with their Muslim-American neighbors against the administration's cruel travel ban. Eighteen rabbis were arrested as they protested the ban outside Trump Tower in New York.
Like members of the Jewish community, I know how it feels to be hated because of my religious beliefs. Almost one in five hate crimes committed last year was motivated by religious bias, with 18.1 percent committed against Muslims — well above the historical averages before President Trump's election.