"We assume a special attitude toward the dead, something almost like admiration for one who has accomplished a very difficult feat. We suspend criticism of him, overlooking whatever wrongs he may have done. ... "
Sigmund Freud
If he were alive, Freud might take issue with Kathleen Dehmlow's family.
In June, an obituary written by two of her children was published in the Redwood Falls (Minn.) Gazette. It stated that the 80-year-old woman, who died on May 31, had abandoned her children after she had an affair with her brother-in-law.
"She will not be missed by Gina and Jay, and they understand that this world is a better place without her."
Dehmlow's frigid farewell, which was broadcast around the world, is just one example of how your 15 minutes of fame may arrive after you're dead — if you're lucky (or unlucky) enough to have a viral obituary.
In the age of the internet, irreverent, uniquely affectionate, brutally honest and confessional death notices are increasingly becoming attention-getting click bait, especially if they're well-written or heart-rending.
A recent first-person obituary by Iowa 5-year-old Garrett Matthias noted that he hated "dirty stupid cancer."