How free is a young American woman to pursue her wildest, dearest dreams?
Ideally, the answer would be, as free as she wants, if she's willing to work hard — go for it, girl.
In reality, dream-chasing requires grit and stubbornness, patience and persistence. And for a woman, it may require something more — self-defense.
Blair Braverman, who grew up in a California suburb and followed her dreams of a home in the freezing, glittering northern world to Arctic Norway and Alaska, had to learn early on how to be tough to stay on her chosen path.
And we're not talking about the hazards of blizzards, collapsing ice caves, wild carnivores, isolation and exhaustion. We're talking about men.
No matter how astute and/or easygoing she may be, a young woman learning to navigate in the world often learns the hard way that some men — just a few, but it only takes a few, and sometimes they're the ones she's closest to — will never respect her or consider her an equal. And a few among them will not leave her alone.
Braverman's memoir acknowledges the damage that such encounters can do to an adventurous young woman, but also the lessons learned along the way.
Its title, "Welcome to the Goddamn Ice Cube," with its sarcastic profanity, and subtitle, "Chasing Fear and Finding Home in the Great White North," with its earnest talkiness, are the only unfortunate things about her nuanced, witty, wise, eccentric story.