Former Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates will lead an independent investigation into whether Minneapolis police officers crossed a line and urged paramedics to inject members of the public with ketamine, a powerful sedative.
"The people of Minneapolis have spoken and we've heard their message loud and clear, which is, we need to get to the bottom of what happened and we need to do it in a transparent and accountable way completely free from any interference from officials in the city," Mayor Jacob Frey said Friday.
Yates was the Justice Department's second-in-command at the end of the Obama administration and acting attorney general under President Donald Trump until he fired her for refusing to defend the travel ban executive order in late January 2017. Last month, she announced she was returning to her old law firm to help conduct investigations.
"She's got a record that's beyond reproach," Frey said. "It speaks for itself. Just a long history of commitment to unearthing the truth and delivering justice, and that's exactly what we need now."
Frey and Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said earlier this week they planned to appoint an independent investigator to examine the ketamine cases, following a Star Tribune story that included excerpts from a draft report authored by staff from the city Office of Police Conduct Review.
The draft report cited several examples of police asking paramedics to sedate people with ketamine on calls where both came to the scene, and questioned whether officers should be suggesting medical care.
"Between 2016 and 2017, MPD officers explicitly asked EMS to provide ketamine, either when calling for EMS services or upon arrival of the ambulance eight times," states the report. "Also, MPD officers assisted [EMS workers] while they injected individuals with ketamine" by holding them down while the EMS worker reportedly gave the shot.
Several of these cases cited in the report resulted in serious medical complications, including some needing intubation to breathe.