An antibullying policy considered one of the weakest in the country was scrapped by the Minnesota Senate on Thursday in favor of more stringent requirements that would begin to crack down on practices that have tormented some students to the point of suicide.
Every school district would be expected to develop and enforce plans to reduce bullying and would have to make regular progress reports to the state. The state itself would be required to develop a model plan.
Wearing a backward Minnesota Gophers cap and clutching a "Safe Schools" sign to her chest, Elise Coffin, 17, had her eyes glued to a telecast just outside the Senate chambers as members prepared to vote.
"I feel like there's still thousands of kids out there that don't have a voice and can't speak up for themselves," said Coffin, a Duluth East High School senior who is gay and who has been bullied. "If we can get a voice from legislators, it's going to mean a lot more."
Coffin laughed at opponents' suggestion that the bill provides special treatment for gay and lesbian students. "People need to take a reality check and go through what it's like to be an out kid in high school," she said. "Special privilege? No. I think we're finally going to be treated like we deserve, instead of second-class citizens."
Strengthening the antibullying law has been a decade-long goal of gay rights activists and others concerned about bullying that affects a broad spectrum of students perceived as different. But the pushback from opponents has been strong.
Much of the lobbying energy behind the bill has been courtesy of OutFront Minnesota, the state's chief gay rights group and a driving force behind last year's successful effort to legalize gay marriage in Minnesota. The antibullying bill pushes some of the same cultural hot buttons as that debate, with religious and socially conservative groups expressing worry that students could get labeled bullies for expressing views learned from their parents at a church.
'Too-much top down'
Just before the largely party-line vote, Sue Colgrove of Maple Grove looked down from her perch in the Senate gallery and prepared for the inevitable.