Minnesota's U.S. Senate race took a dramatic turn Tuesday with a pair of developments involving absentee ballots: One county acted on its own initiative to count several ballots that it said were wrongly excluded, and two prominent county attorneys proposed a statewide process to reexamine rejected ballots.
The moves came on the eve of a state Canvassing Board meeting today at which the fate of such possibly decisive ballots may be determined.
Meanwhile, controversies involving dozens of lost-and-found ballots continued to pop up at recount centers around the state.
Democrat Al Franken's campaign last week argued before the Canvassing Board that improperly rejected absentee ballots should be identified and counted -- and that the board has the authority to do it. The campaign of Republican Sen. Norm Coleman argues that it's a matter to be decided by the courts.
In Itasca County, officials said Tuesday that they would reconsider absentee ballots that had been neglected or mistakenly rejected.
"During the course of our reconciliation, going back and looking at absentee ballots, we discovered that there were three that should have been counted," said County Auditor/Treasurer Jeff Walker. He said that the recount would be reopened on Monday to consider the ballots and that lawyers for both campaigns have been notified so that they can witness the process.
The Star Tribune has analyzed the reasons absentee ballots were rejected in 28 counties, and only two counties -- Ramsey and Itasca -- specifically cite election officials' error. In Ramsey County, it appeared that 53 rejections were tied to administrative error.
Freeman proposal