Diabetics could get free insulin through their doctors under a proposal Senate Republicans offered Thursday, but Democrats said the plan doesn't do enough for people in emergency situations.
While lawmakers in both parties say they want to help diabetics who are overwhelmed by high insulin prices, the skeptical DFL response to the Republican plan underscored how the two sides remain far apart on how to structure and pay for a new state insulin program after an 11th-hour deal was derailed in the Legislature this spring.
Republicans said their new proposal — where the drug manufacturers would have to supply the insulin — would cost pharmaceutical companies millions, suggesting that Gov. Tim Walz and the Democratic majority in the House should get behind it.
"We're bringing both the state and manufacturer resources together to be a part of this plan and we believe it could be implemented quickly," said Sen. Eric Pratt, R-Prior Lake.
The GOP proposal would require insulin manufacturers to provide the medication to doctors. Patients who are not covered by state or federal health care plans and earn less than 400% of the poverty level would qualify temporarily for the free drugs. That means a single person making nearly $50,000 or a family of four making about $100,000 would be eligible.
Patients would have to apply for an eligibility statement through the state's MNsure health insurance marketplace website and get a response within five days that they can bring to their doctor. Pratt, who is the chief sponsor, estimated it would cost the state $100,000 to get the web page set up and $250,000 to raise public awareness about the program.
If legislators hold a special session, they could get the free insulin program started Jan. 1, Pratt said.
But Democrats have so far held to their own insulin plan, which failed to pass in end-of-session negotiations. The DFL plan would have required that pharmacies dispense emergency insulin, paid for with fees on drug manufacturers.