The young biologists, researchers, managers, conservation officers and others charged with protecting our lakes, rivers and lands are highly qualified and as impassioned in their work as any previous generation of Minnesota conservationists. Stewards of fish, wildlife and open spaces, they energetically safeguard the state's most valuable assets — its natural resources. Here, then, are snapshots of seven of these young conservation pros:
Right training gets her feet in door

Rachel Hoveland, 30 • Pheasants Forever web developer • St. Paul
Before I came to work for Pheasants Forever, I volunteered for the organization. I'm an avid trap shooter, and some friends and I started a fundraiser shoot, "Clays for a Cause," to raise money for public land with our PF chapter. Then, about four years ago, a job opened up at PF headquarters that fit my training — my undergraduate degree is in conservation and resource management and my master's is in GIS, or geographic information systems — and I've been with the organization since. I'm fortunate to be able to utilize my technology background toward my passion for conservation. My husband, Matt, and I have a Deutsch Drahthaar named Luke. When we first met, Matt was a bird hunter. He's since pulled a bait and switch on me and now prefers big-game hunting. So I hunt birds a lot with my friends, many of whom will be at Pheasant Fest in Minneapolis in a couple weeks.
Biologist well-versed on animals and habitat

Kassy Dumke, 28 • Ducks Unlimited Waterfowl biologist • Windom, Minn.
I grew up on a hobby farm near Grand Rapids, Mich. It's where I first became interested in animals. In college at Northern Michigan University I studied wildlife management and worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. After college, I interned with Ducks Unlimited in conservation policy before heading to South Dakota State University for graduate school, where I studied grassland birds while earning my master's degree. I've been with DU four years. I coordinate public land acquisitions, wetland and grassland restorations, shallow lake surveys and enhancements, public policy, and waterfowl surveys. It's all part of my job, which I love. My husband, Nick, and I have four dogs, two French Brittanys and two Labs. We hunt and compete with them in hunt tests. We love everything outdoors, including hiking, camping, fishing and especially hunting and working with the dogs.
Farmland serving a dual purpose

Alex Nelson, 31 • Pheasants Forever habitat restoration manager • New London, Minn.
I was born and raised on the 320-acre Kandiyohi County farm I now own. It's been in our family since the 1860s. My parents were dairy farmers on it until 1996, when it was no longer economically feasible to operate a small dairy operation. Now on about half the acres I grow corn and soybeans and have a small beef cattle herd. The other half is in the Conservation Reserve Program. I studied environmental sciences at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and got a job with PF soon after graduating. Initially I was a Farm Bill biologist. Now I oversee habitat restorations on acquired lands. I also write budgets, apply for grants and work with contractors. It's all good work. I believe there's room for conservation on every farm. But I know how hard farmers work to maximize their bottom lines. Everyone has to make the best decisions they can to feed their families.
Restoring home state is a privilege

John Lindstrom, 30 • Ducks Unlimited Waterfowl Biologist • Hutchinson, Minn.