Mary Krugerud admits she's "a wee bit obsessed" — and her 15 three-ring binders prove it. For 25 years now, Krugerud's meticulous research has made her the authority on a forgotten niche of state history: Minnesota's long gone but once innovative network of tuberculosis sanatoriums.
From Worthington to Wabasha to Walker, 19 massive round-the-clock tuberculosis care buildings opened between 1905 and 1918 — isolating patients and, in turn, lowering the number of cases of what was commonly called the Consumption.
More than 20,000 Minnesotans died from tuberculosis in the last dozen years of the 1800s when the state's 1.75 million people totaled less than one-third of today's population. TB deaths in Minnesota peaked with 2,543 in 1918. By the Depression year of 1934, when families struggled to care for ailing relatives, 1,600 beds were filled in 14 county sanatoriums.
The big breakthrough came with new drugs in the 1940s, curbing the bacterial scourge. But one of those since-razed sanatoriums, Glen Lake in Minnetonka, was still treating tuberculosis patients as late as 1976 — and 150 cases were reported in Minnesota last year.
"For some reason, Minnesota attracted many men in the 1880s and 1890s who were forward thinkers about sanitation and contagious diseases," said Krugerud, 65, a retired grant writer and medical librarian who lives in Hutchinson.
The state put together a well-regulated web of sanatorium districts, correctly guessing that sick people might stick around these hospitals — away from the yet-uncontaminated population — if they were within driving distance of family and friends.
"People don't stay when they are homesick and lonely," Krugerud said. "They were more likely to remain until cured or dead if they had visitors."
Krugerud moved to the Twin Cities from Dawson in western Minnesota in 1984, landing a job in the medical library at the state-run Oak Terrace nursing home on the old Glen Lake Sanatorium campus near Hwys. 494 and 62 in Minnetonka. Most of those buildings were torn down in 1992 to make way for a golf course.