Sofia Whitcombe began her day with the startling realization that she might not be exactly who she thought she was.
"My whole life, I thought I was a Capricorn," the 25-year-old New York publicist said. "Now I'm a Sagittarius? I don't feel like a Sagittarius!"
Countless people were astonished by the "news" in Monday's Star Tribune in which Minneapolis astronomy instructor Parke Kunkle affirmed that the Earth's "wobble" has shifted the zodiac signs. The buzz has raced across the Web like a shooting star.
Some people seemed angry. "I believe it's a zodiac scam," said Jose Arce, 38, from Fort Lee, N.J., who runs a body shop. "I've known myself to be a Sagittarius, I believe, since I was born. So to come up now with some new sign? It's unacceptable!"
Others who took to the blogosphere to gnash and wail displayed a mix of:
Defiance: "Dude, I'm a Leo and always will be a Leo, no matter where the sun is on August 5th. Besides, this very expensive
tattoo on my right shoulder tells me so."
Consternation: "Darn it, the whole time I thought I was an introvert, now to find out that I'm an extrovert. I'm going to need awhile to unravel my life."
Delight: "Upgrade from Cancer to Gemini. Woo!"