WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Tina Smith embraced her past work with Planned Parenthood on Thursday as she pushed back at the Trump administration's proposal to bar the organization from receiving federal family planning money.
Smith joined fellow Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington state and leaders from Planned Parenthood and abortion rights organizations to denounce the plan in a conference call with reporters.
"I am on this call certainly as a proud United States senator, but also as a woman who served as a volunteer for Planned Parenthood and then was also an executive for the Planned Parenthood organization and health care centers in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota," Smith said. "This proposed rule is an affront to women."
Trump this week proposed a rule to revoke federal Title X funding from Planned Parenthood and eliminate a requirement that funding recipients provide abortion counseling and referrals.
Smith is preparing for a special election in November against Republican state Sen. Karin Housley, who opposes abortion. Smith was a vice president at Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota from 2003 to 2006, where among other work she lobbied at the Minnesota Capitol against efforts to oppose abortion rights.
"I do not support the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions," Housley said in a statement. "Those dollars would be better spent at the many wonderful women's health clinics across the state that provide real family planning services."
Smith's DFL primary opponent, Richard Painter, has said he supports abortion rights.
Issue in campaigns
Enacted in 1970, Title X is a federal grant program for family planning services, particularly for low-income people. Federal funds are prohibited from being used to pay for abortions.