The brawl between Somali-Americans and black students at Minneapolis' South High School caught the outside world by surprise, but not the people who walk the tense line between cultures.
Across town in St. Paul, two Macalester College professors — one Somali-American, the other African-American — know well the culture clash that sometimes flares between two peoples who share the same race but not the same story.
"It's a misunderstanding because people don't know enough about each other," said Mahmoud El-Kati, a professor emeritus at Macalester who is African-American. This latest conflict, he added, is "laden with mutual ignorance."
Ahmed Samatar, an international studies professor at Macalester who is Somali-American, agreed. "They are from the same stock in many ways as Africans who are Americans, some of them old Americans, some of them new Americans.
"But outside of that, there is really nothing else," he continued. "Their language is different even though Somalis are picking up English. Their cultural background is different. Historical background is different. And yet they are in intimate spaces together."
Many Somalis came here with "very negative perceptions" of African-Americans, their notions based on movies that cast African-Americans as drug addicts or killers, said Abdirizak Bihi, a Somali activist.
For their part, some African-Americans feel the disrespect and perceive that the new Africans are getting a bit better treatment from the larger community. For example, the gathering of scores of Somali men outside a coffeehouse at night in Minneapolis is accepted, but would the same be true if the men were black Americans?
The latest major immigration wave has added complexity to race and cultural relations, El-Kati said.