Beginning Oct. 24, Burnsville City Council meetings and work sessions will start an hour earlier, at 5:30 p.m. The City Council voted unanimously Oct. 3 to approve the change.
Council members had discussed the change at a work session earlier this fall, noting that other types of city meetings held earlier in the evening had better attendance, and that business people and developers have said they prefer earlier times.
Meetings sometimes had lasted until 10 p.m., forcing some people to leave before an item of concern to them is discussed. City meetings already must end by 11:30 p.m.
City staff found that Burnsville will be the only one out of 20 cities surveyed with meetings at 5:30 p.m., though six cities start work sessions at that time or earlier.
Erin Adler
Redesigned tree logo for city makes debut
Eagan unveiled its new logo Oct. 3 after two years of work determining how to best represent the city. Residents first suggested a logo in 2015 as part of a community visioning process called Eagan Forward, a city news release said.
The new logo, a simplified deciduous green tree with graphic, prominent branches and leaves enclosed in a circle, replaces the city's previous logo, which was also a tree.
That symbol, a more realistic green tree outlined in black, was in use since 2004. It was sometimes compared to a stalk of broccoli.