While on his way to St. Paul for a meeting with the governor last January, House Speaker Kurt Daudt rear-ended a van on a rural highway in Isanti County, sending the other driver to the hospital.
Beau Hullermann, whom Daudt struck from behind as Hullermann slowed to make a left turn, said he was briefly knocked unconscious in the 8:10 a.m. crash. The air bags deployed in Daudt's Lexus sedan and his car had to be towed as he found another way to St. Paul.
Hullermann said the wreck caused him to miss a month of work, money that he is trying to recoup from his insurance company. He said he now suffers from a slipped disk and often uses prescription opiates to help him sleep. The collision totaled his work van, causing more than $9,000 in damages.
The crash marked the latest in a long line of driving-related maladies for Daudt, the highest-ranking Republican in the state. In recent years, Daudt has been cited with four moving violations and two license suspensions for failure to pay fines in Minnesota.
Daudt has received two tickets driving at least 15 miles per hour over the limit, a third for speeding and a fourth for texting while driving, all since joining the Legislature in 2010.
The speaker declined to comment on the story, but sent a statement through his spokeswoman. House GOP spokeswoman Susan Closmore said the crash was unremarkable, but that political rivals are using the incident to try to damage Daudt politically.
"Seven months ago on a bad-weather day, Speaker Daudt's car hit a patch of glare ice and collided with another vehicle," Closmore said. "He stayed on the scene of the accident, was told by a first responder on the scene that the other driver was all right, and has not been charged with any driving violation."
The statement does not address Daudt's previous driving offenses.