The St. Louis Park City Council unanimously approved a policy Monday that would protect low-income tenants who become displaced when their housing is taken over by new owners.
Council members saw the policy as one in a series of measures the city can take to sustain its affordable housing.
"It's not a finger in the dike, but it's a small step," Council Member Anne Mavity said. "It delays a problem for tenants in terms of their ability to find housing."
If the council approves the second reading on April 16, the policy will take effect July 1.
Under the policy, tenants in buildings with at least 18 percent affordable housing would have three months to make new arrangements after ownership changes hands.
If a new owner raises rents, screens existing tenants or cancels leases without cause, they would have to provide relocation fees ranging from $2,600 for a tenant in a studio up to $4,100 for a tenant renting a three-bedroom unit or larger.
New owners also would have to inform tenants leasing affordable housing within 30 days about planned rent increases and whether leases would not be renewed.
About 51 percent of the rental units in St. Louis Park are affordable to those making 60 percent of the area median income, according to a city survey taken in 2016.