St. Paul will boost its property tax collection by 24 percent in 2018, but city leaders said tax hikes will be partly offset by a drop in residents' annual street maintenance bills.
It was a challenging budget year, City Council members said Wednesday as they approved the levy and budget. While there will be a big tax levy change, they said they kept the city's overall spending flat.
"The increase in taxes is being particularly felt in a few areas of the city that are lower income areas," Council Member Jane Prince said. "So people in my community are looking to us to be careful and prudent, and I am happy to say I think we've achieved that."
The City Council made about $1.5 million in last-minute additions to next year's $563 million budget, including adding money for police cars, parking meter upgrades and a bicycle and pedestrian safety program. A projected increase in sales tax revenue and money from a parking fund will pay for the new budget items.
For the most part, the council left Mayor Chris Coleman's proposed budget intact — a budget Coleman said was difficult to suggest but necessary to avoid passing a street maintenance finance problem on to his successor.
A 2016 Minnesota Supreme Court ruling prompted St. Paul to overhaul the right of way assessment program it has used to pay for street upkeep. The court determined the assessments were taxes, not fees as the city argued, making the city's system of charging all property owners — even tax-exempt hospitals, colleges and churches — problematic.
Coleman decided to shift about $20 million in street maintenance costs from assessment bills to tax bills, which accounts for 19 percent of the total increase in the 2018 tax levy. St. Paul will continue to assess residents for a handful of street services.
That switch, along with an uneven rise in home values, means the impact on residents will vary widely. People who live in neighborhoods like Thomas-Dale and the North End, which were slow to bounce back from the recession, are finally seeing a boost in home values — and, accordingly, a tax increase.