Fresh off a victory in Minneapolis last year, advocates for a $15 minimum wage in St. Paul crowded into council chambers Wednesday morning, saying the time for studying the issue is over.
But St. Paul City Council members are pumping the brakes, saying they need to answer basic questions about how a wage increase would affect workers and businesses before making any decisions.
"We do need to pause and take the time to ask those questions in the context of St. Paul," said Council President Amy Brendmoen.
About 50 people attended the first of what will likely be many meetings on the minimum wage issue Wednesday, as council members heard a report on potential effects of a wage hike from the nonpartisan Citizens League.
Many attendees were connected to the advocacy group 15 Now. They wore red T-shirts emblazoned with "Raise the minimum wage because the rent won't wait."
According to a Metropolitan Council study cited in the Citizens League report, more than 40 percent of St. Paul residents live in poverty — more than any other metro-area city.
Of the more than 180,000 people employed in St. Paul, more than 30,000 work in industries with an average full-time weekly wage of less than $800, according to Department of Employment and Economic Development data cited in the report.
The City Council first floated the idea of a citywide minimum wage about a year ago. Beginning in late November and ending early this month, the group solicited comments from employers, workers and advocates. In total, 227 people participated in in-person conversations and 100 responses were e-mailed or submitted online.