A month into his term, St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter faces pushback on one of his biggest campaign pledges: raising the city's hourly minimum wage to $15.
Business leaders, bruised after Minneapolis approved a wage hike last year, don't want a repeat in St. Paul. Activists on different sides of the debate over the tip credit are gearing up for another fight. And though City Council leaders agree the minimum wage needs to be higher, they don't agree on the number.
"The mayor is using $15 as his goal," said Council President Amy Brendmoen. "But we've continued to say the question is, 'How much, and over how much time, and for whom?' "
Though they say they intend to pass a wage ordinance this year, Brendmoen and Council Vice President Rebecca Noecker said they want more data and discussion before deciding what the minimum wage should be and how it should roll out. They're waiting for a report from the nonpartisan Citizens League, which the council commissioned last year to study the minimum wage question. A preliminary report is expected this month.
Both council members said they hope a measured approach will help avoid the acrimony of minimum wage debates in other cities.
"I don't think that the mayor and the council need to start in exactly the same place," Noecker said. "And I think it's fine for him to set that vision out and make it clear that that's what he wants, and then for the council to proceed in this very deliberate, reasoned process that we agreed to a full year ago."
In an interview Thursday, Carter reiterated his commitment to signing a $15 minimum wage into law before the end of the year and said he's already talking to business owners, workers, unions and advocates.
"To me, there's a strong voter-imposed, community-imposed urgency around getting this done, and very specifically around the $15 minimum wage, that I think we have to respond to," the mayor said.