In the shadow of the newly resplendent State Capitol in St. Paul stands the decidedly less glamorous Centennial Office Building.
The Centennial, so named because it was built during the 100th anniversary of Minnesota's statehood in 1958, is a dull dumpling of a building that rarely occasions much notice. Yet the Centennial and a large parking ramp to its rear occupy what was once the most intriguing ground in St. Paul: the site of a long-vanished swath of greenery known as Central Park.
The park formed the centerpiece of a small but architecturally superb residential neighborhood. It's best remembered today as the site of the first three Winter Carnival ice palaces, built in 1886, 1887 and 1888. Massive and elaborate, they were the greatest of all St. Paul's ice palaces, not to be equaled since.
The park was established in 1884 on 2.3 acres donated by three wealthy businessmen: banker William Dawson, lawyer and real estate investor Uri Lamprey and wholesaler William Lindeke.
According to historian Paul D. Nelson, who wrote a brief but excellent history of the park, all three men owned mansions just to the north. They believed a new park would help ensure high-quality residential development in the area. They were right.
By 1890 eight large houses, including five designed by renowned St. Paul architect Clarence Johnston, ringed the park, which featured an elegant central fountain, benches, gardens and other amenities.
Perhaps the finest residence on the park was a huge double house built in 1887 by George Stone for his two daughters and their husbands. Designed by Johnston and his partner, William Willcox, the double house (often referred to as the Blood-Hardenbergh House after the surnames of its original occupants) was located at the northwest corner of the park, where the Centennial Building is today.
The year 1887 also saw completion of another prominent monument in the area, Central Park Methodist Church at 12th and Minnesota streets. Featuring one of the tallest steeples in St. Paul, the church stood until 1961, when it was razed to make way for Interstate 94.