When former University of Minnesota athletic director Norwood Teague abruptly resigned on Friday and details of the sexual harassment complaints that led to his departure began to leak, some loudly wondered if there were other shiver-inducing tales out there.
Not me. I knew there was another tale. It was mine.
It all erupted on Dec. 13, 2013. There was a going-away party for a university communications director who had resigned. As the Star Tribune's University of Minnesota's basketball writer, I attended, as did Teague, whom I had covered since his arrival in April 2012. I spoke with him in passing and eventually left. As I was walking out, Teague texted me and asked if I wanted to get a drink.
Cultivating sources is a critical part of a reporter's job. Sometimes that crosses into social gatherings. Having a drink with a source is not at all unusual, and I didn't feel being a woman compromised me because I was there solely for work purposes.
Since coming to the university, Teague had presented himself to the media as someone who was a good source and not afraid to get blunt. For a reporter, that was extremely valuable. After he arrived, and before Dec. 13, 2013, he and I had drinks five to seven times, all but one of those occasions in a group setting. I also attended several cocktail parties at his house. I was happy to have such a useful window into the program. We talked about basketball, coaches and his plans for the department.
So I agreed to have that drink. But this December night was different. Teague asked me about my longtime boyfriend, as he often did. My mistake was acknowledging that we had just broken up. The switch flipped. Suddenly, in a public and crowded bar, Teague tried to throw his arm around me. He poked my side. He pinched my hip. He grabbed at me. Stunned and mortified, I swatted his advances and firmly told him to stop. He didn't.
"Don't deny," he said, "our chemistry."
I told him that he was drastically off base, that my only intention in being there was as a reporter – to which he replied: "You're all strictly business? Nothing else?"