Good at shoveling? City will award 'snow angels'
It hasn't been a particularly cold or snowy winter, but leaders in Duluth are calling for nominations that will make citizens feel warm and fuzzy about shoveling snow.
The "Golden Shovel Award" is aimed at neighborly people who "go above and beyond expectations to help out their fellow neighbors and people in need of assistance with snow removal."
The city calls them "snow angels."
Nomination forms and instructions are at: www.duluthmn.gov/human-rights-office/.
The golden shovels will be awarded at a mayor's reception in the spring.
Pam Louwagie @pamlouwagie
Skyline to get firefighting services from neighbor
The little city of Skyline, Minn., will pay its much larger neighbor, Mankato, for firefighting services.
Under an agreement approved by the Mankato City Council last week, Skyline will disband its volunteer force and instead use Mankato's responders.