The federal court system in Minnesota on Friday temporarily suspended all civil and criminal jury trials effective immediately, while the state court system chose to remain open, continuing with "high priority" cases and suspending others.
The unprecedented moves came on the same day Gov. Tim Walz declared a peacetime state of emergency for Minnesota as coronavirus spreads across the globe.
Shortly after Walz's announcement, Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Lorie Gildea issued an order governing changes to the state courts starting Monday.
"The Minnesota Judicial Council is committed to responsibly managing our statewide court system while taking every reasonable step to protect the health and well-being of our judicial officers, staff, and court users," she said.
Among the moves laid out for state courts:
• Court facilities will remain open and will accept filings for "all case types," although the public will be discouraged from visiting for nonessential matters.
• Criminal and civil jury trials that are underway will continue until their resolution.
• "High priority" and "super high priority" cases will continue as normal, though the courts are encouraged to use remote technology to conduct hearings.