WASHINGTON -- Stewart Mills, a 43-year-old scion of Mills Fleet Farm enterprises, has officially launched another run to try and unseat Democratic Rep. Rick Nolan in the Eighth Congressional District.
Mills filed Federal Elections Commission paperwork six days ago and officially launched the campaign Tuesday morning.
In a statement emailed out to supporters and reporters, Mills seems to be reaching back to the same messages his campaign espoused two years ago in hopes of galvanizing support.

"Obamacare continues to hurt working class families, too many folks in the 8th District struggle with unemployment and our mining industries are suffering," he said, in the statement.
Mills points out he lost to Nolan by only 3,732 votes in one of Minnesota's closest elections in 2014.
Mills likely faces more headwinds in a presidential year, with lower-propensity voters who usually lean Democratic turning out in higher numbers than in off-year, mid-term elections.
Nolan's camp released a statement, welcoming Mills to the race.
"I'm looking forward to a positive campaign based on facts and issues affecting the voters in the 8th Congressional district -- a campaign very much different from the negative and misleading campaign Mr. Mills and his allies have already launched against me," the statement said.