Last year, we witnessed a pivotal moment when President Obama rejected the Keystone XL pipeline, making good on his repeated observations that tar sands projects are not in our national interest because of their significant contribution to carbon pollution and climate change.
Not only that, but Secretary of State John Kerry said the State Department's analysis does not show the need for additional pipelines to transport tar sands oil across the Canadian border.
Scientists have made it clear that if we are to achieve a safe, sustainable climate future, we need to keep most fossil fuels in the ground. Because oil from tar sands is one of the dirtiest sources of energy produced, with environmental and climate impacts far more serious than conventional oil, this is the first source of fossil fuels we should reject altogether.
Permitting the Canadian oil giant Enbridge to construct a series of pipelines to carry this dirty fuel through our communities will only invite disaster. (It was reported last week that one Enbridge project, the Sandpiper pipeline in northern Minnesota, has been taken off the table for now, although routes elsewhere are being developed.) As too many communities are already aware, it's not a question of if a pipeline spill would occur, but when.
In July 2010, an Enbridge pipeline ruptured in Calhoun County in Michigan, dumping more than 1 million gallons of tar sands crude oil into Talmadge Creek, a tributary of the Kalamazoo River. The oil spread downstream, leaving 38 miles of contamination in its wake. After five years and an astounding $1.2 billion in cleanup costs, much of the mess in the Kalamazoo appears clean, but we still don't know the long-term harm from Enbridge's spill.
In order to transport tar sands crude, Enbridge and Canadian companies dilute the thick, tarlike substance, resulting in what is called diluted bitumen. This product is highly dangerous and poses a significant and severe threat to our public waters, our health and our climate.
Late last year, a National Academy of Sciences report described cleanup attempts of the diluted bitumen as "highly problematic" and said that the technologies available have only variable effectiveness. Unfortunately, this news doesn't help the residents of the more than 800 communities that already have experienced oil spills from Enbridge's operations, including the disaster near Kalamazoo.
The National Academy of Sciences study underlines the inherent danger surrounding the transportation of crude oil and lends further proof that transporting it by any means is a disaster waiting to happen.