What do St. Louis Park, Paul Bunyan and Walker Art Center have in common? All three grew out of the business interests of T.B. Walker, once one of the wealthiest Americans. In the 1880s, Walker expanded his focus from timber (Bunyan being the colorful mascot for his Red River Lumber Co.) to building an industrial town just west of Lake Calhoun, where two railroad lines converged.
One of these lines, the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad, gave the town its name. Walker's vision flourished for three years, attracting factories for farm equipment and other goods. There were stores, hotels and a streetcar connecting to Minneapolis. But the national depression of 1893 hit business hard, and several factories closed.
Eventually, the streetcar line helped St. Louis Park become one of Minneapolis' first commuter suburbs. Today, along Hwy. 7 just west of Hwy. 100, you can see 19th-century remnants of Walker's dream, including the two-story brick Walker Building, once the seed for an envisioned downtown.
In the 1950s, the community became a center for Minnesota's Jewish population, with an array of temple congregations. Many of the Orthodox temples cluster in the city's older eastern neighborhoods abutting Excelsior Boulevard. On the Saturday Sabbath, the faithful do not ride in motorized vehicles, and one sees many people dressed in black walking to services. This faith tradition almost requires relatively tight communities close to one's place of worship.
Contrary to urbanites' use of the term "suburban" to deride all things sanitized and boring, not all suburbs are the same. They're not all filled with big lots, McMansions, megachurches and phony English-sounding street names.
Many of our oldest roads began as trails connecting the city with other towns. Running across several suburbs, Excelsior and Minnetonka boulevards, for example, are 150 years old and named for their historic destinations on Lake Minnetonka.
Though technically a suburb, Excelsior doesn't fit the stereotype. It's the town that "new urbanists" would like to build today. There are public parks on Lake Minnetonka, small houses and Water Street lined with century-old storefronts. Many long-term businesses such as Bacon Drug and Olds Dry Goods are gone. For a while in the 1990s, it looked like the whole downtown would turn into gift and antique shops.
But there's a new Kowalski's and pharmacy at the street's south end, and the beloved Excelsior Theater and Excelsior Bay Books are still thriving. You can rent an office or apartment above a store. There's Metro Transit express service to Minneapolis. This is a Twin Cities suburb where you can live without a car.