Defendants in Ramsey County juvenile sex-trafficking cases received far heftier sentences than in Hennepin County since 2012, according to a report released Thursday.
The report, conducted by the nonprofit court monitoring group WATCH, examined all 107 juvenile and adult trafficking cases filed under the state's prostitution and trafficking law in the two counties from January 2012 to August 2016. The group also wanted to determine the impact of the Safe Harbor law, which was passed in 2011 with the intention of ensuring that sexually exploited youths are viewed as victims and survivors, not criminals. The law, expanded two years ago, also increased criminal penalties against commercial sex abusers and customers and provided services for victims.
The report found that with cases involving juveniles, the average prison sentence in Ramsey County was 19 years, more than three times as long as the six-year average handed down in Hennepin County. In addition, fewer defendants in Hennepin County — in both juvenile and adult cases — received prison time as part of their sentence than did defendants in Ramsey County.
Ramsey County relies on the part of the statute that specifically makes sex trafficking a crime, while Hennepin County most often uses the part of the statute labeled "promotes prostitution," according to the report. Prosecutors must be able to prove sex trafficking in order to attach several aggravating factors to the charge.
"The problem with using the 'promotes prostitution' prong of the statute to charge trafficking cases is that the prosecutor is ultimately labeling the victim a prostitute, which undermines one of the goals of Safe Harbor," said WATCH Executive Director Amy Walsh Kern. "That goal is to treat the trafficked individuals like victims, not criminals. Therefore I think that it is particularly inappropriate to use the prostitution-related charges where the victim is a juvenile."
Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said Thursday that his office didn't have a chance to review the report in detail. He said he has consistently applauded Ramsey County Attorney John Choi for making sex-trafficking a priority. That said, county attorneys are not in a race against each other, he said.
In the period WATCH reviewed, Hennepin County's numbers are higher than Ramsey County in some categories, while Ramsey's are higher in others. Freeman pointed out that prosecutors in both counties charged nearly every sex-trafficking case brought to them and obtained a felony conviction at least 90 percent of the time.
Choi urged the public to consider that several factors not reflected in the data go into how cases are charged, prosecuted and sentenced.